Saying goodbye part 2


No wonder he has struggled so much if that is what he has to sort through in order to do his work!
I worried that I made a mistake. That I should have never taken him out of school. Did I make things worse for him by having him home for three years? There is a chance they could have seen this sooner then I did and helped him sooner. I had blamed myself and felt guilt over this. I had lost sleep over what I could have done differently. Then God used John to teach me something. The reason Johnny wasn’t in school all this time wasn’t because I wanted to teach him and didn’t want to put him in. He was home because God had lead us to homeschool and we followed him and did our absolute best to do it right. Therefore, regardless of what might have happened in school, what we have to deal with is what is. And what is? God has led us to homeschool.

I began a google search. “How to teach spelling to someone with dyslexia” the first link that came up was for the Barton System. I spent the rest of the day exploring the site. I read that forth grade was the most common time for kids to be diagnosed with dyslexia, because it’s the first time where they are putting into practice what they have learned, and are beginning to build on what should be a solid foundation. So, chances are if he would have been in school, they probably would have caught it the same time I did. And he would have gone through all his struggles in a time crunch with an audience. My heart filled with joy and confidence as I slowly realized that I could keep my Johnny boy with me and teach him or find a tutor. There were options that were good for him that didn’t require him to go to traditional school. In reality, putting him back into traditional school would not help him at all. There is nothing like the relief you feel when you see your child suffering and God shows you something you can do to help!

That was the beginning of the change. The beginning of a long process and discovery and grace. God is leading us. He has taken us through the fire and is healing the wounds and showing us the comfort only he can provide. The story gets better and better….to be continued

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